Robots and Swiss/Eurobot Robotic Cups
EIVD/HEIG-VD Robots 1998-2005
SwissEurobot / Eurobot is a scientific, technical and playful (ludic) competition, organized at the European and Swiss levels, addressing students in technical and engineering schools, universities, as well as independant clubs.
From 1998 to 2005 a team of HEIG-VD was regularly coached in the context of the curriculum on microtechnology ( 2 periods per week). Since 2006, the student plan does not include any longer specific hours for this purpose, and the students manage the project mostly with autonomy.
HEIG-VD keeps supporting Eurobot initiative, in particular through its activities related to the Robot-CH association, which drives the Swiss part of Eurobot.
Poster HEIG-VD et Eurobot.pdf (225.5 Ko)
1998 - Diego3 y c. vidéo
1999 - Arthur y c. vidéo
2000 - Maya y c. vidéo
2001 - Alf y c. vidéo
2002 - PacMan
2003 - Hornuss
2004 - Lomu
2005 - Dude Poster en français.pdf (241 Ko)
2005 - Dude Poster in English.pdf (241 Ko)
Eurobot videos:
- in English, "high" quality version "download" (229 Mo)
- in English, compressed version "download" (13.3 Mo)
- en français: "télécharger" (13.3 Mo)
- auf Deutsch "download" (13 Mb)
- en Español "download" (13 Mb)
- in Italiano "download" (13 Mb)
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